Software Engineer At Google Gets Paid Handsomely For Working Just An Hour A Day

Google Gets Paid Handsomely For Working Just An Hour A Day

A very intriguing and engaging revelation has brought out the story of a young engineer who is in their early twenties, earning a generous salary of $150,000 by working for just an hour a day – for the company of Google. 

When got asked about missing any important messages from the manager – for the rest of the day, the person, who goes by the pseudonym of Devon, explained that it is not really that much of a worry as they can always get back to it later at night. 

Devon also explained that their work approach with the publication just started his current week by coding a certain portion of the task before passing it off to the manager. 

Devon had previously interned for Google as well, so they knew that they would not be needing much effort after securing the job. They had completed the coding tasks during the internship at Google, way ahead of time and got rewarded with a week-long trip to the beautiful place of Hawaii. 

Devon is another one of the employees of Google, who has come forward with their story of being paid handsomely for less work hours.

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